} stories from jones

there is this somewhat regular customer at jones who seems to enjoy disturbing me. :/ let's call him Jack (because he's a bit of an ass... Har har). the first time i saw him he was together with his big group of friends and he made fun of my Trainee status. im not sure if making fun is the right expression though, he says things like "i think you're doing a really great job here, Debby" when im obviously not .. i know im not the best waiter in the world though, so i take it all in good humour. :P well he came back yesterday with a smaller group of friends, and he was like "do you remember me Debby? i see you're still a Trainee" HAHA. which i did find funny lah (honestly i dont really care if my nametag says 'n00b'). somehow we started talking and he found out i was headed to london, and he told me that if i ever get taken out on a date (haha) the 7th level of the Tate Modern in London has a spectacular view of the Thames. so, ok, weird source but valuable information!! (im slowly collating places to visit)

the funny thing is that i think his friends also look weirded out by the way he talks to the service crew (i.e. crossing personal/professional boundaries) but i cant make out if he is truly weird or maybe just trying to be friendly. or trying to be an ass. most likely the last one.

on a completely unrelated note, there is also a guy who comes regularly with his wife, and he looks suspiciously like i've seen him on TV, but thats not the point. he does not eat bread..but again thats not the point. point is that last weekend he came alone on both days (well, with his trusty friend the iPad) and, unlike when he came with his wife, he tipped! :0 (including a $5 tip which was almost 20%). do i sense household trouble??

i will have to assess the situation again when i come back to work next week. i do love speculating about people i kind of know but not really. :}

2010-09-27, 6:51 p.m..
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your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.