} cipcipcip

i went for the Homeworks cip today, organised by the Habitat for Humanity Singapore. during the briefing they kept warning us not to 'expect too much', and i was getting apprehensive. i was particularly terrified of the thought of bed bugs, even more than cockroaches, because bed bugs, unlike big fat cockroaches, are harder to see and therefore there might be a family of them jumping around you and you wouldn't know it. i dont know why but the thought disturbs me.

anyway, i went with anne marie, and we were put into a group with a bunch of, well, young adults (literally, because they are in the relatively young part of adulthood, i.e., twenties). they were nice people, although they did seem to look down on us a lot. especially after we told them that we're from njc. i wonder if they would have reacted differently if we had told them that we're from poly, or something.

is it just me, or is there some kind of social stigma that jc students, especially top-5 jc students, equal pampered kids who only know how to study? while those who go to neighbourhood schools and poly etc are street-smart, 'tougher', more mature? i mean, i guess compared to them we were a lot younger, but come on, i havent been called 'girl-girl' since i finished my PSLE.

oh well. whatever. aside from that they were nice people, though i guess that's kind of a given since they do cip in their free time voluntarily and everything, even though they're already working. the house we had to work on wasn't that bad either. it only needed General Cleaning and painting on door and gate. i mostly did painting, which was fun, haha. =) at the end of the day, though, i guess i was a tiny bit disappointed, because i expected to do more. but every little bit counts i suppose. =)

oh and because the njc cip record form is so embarrassing (it really makes you look very insincere, even if you really did enjoy the cip) we didn't ask for the organisation's signature in the end. i hate this whole portfolio-ing system. i want to do cip for the sake of it, not for the hours. but the school keeps making us feel like we have to live up to something, and that we have to record down every single ridiculous detail. gah. well, just another year until i can escape from this crazy education system...

chingay fundraising tomorrow! which reminds me, i still havent done the money collection box yet, and my carbonyls tutorial too, and a bunch of other homework blaaa. well i hope it will be more fun than a normal flag day. and i do hope there will be a lot of people out in woodlands tomorrow afternoon. haha. =P

2007-02-03, 9:41 p.m..
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heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.