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Had to carry my pail home today. A total of 11 people stared at me and my pail. most of them were these little schoolboys who were too cheeky to bother to pretend they weren't looking.

this is what it means to make a fool of yourself without trying.

got on the bus, and refused to move to the back of the bus 'cos some corny cooking show was playing on TV mobile. it's the jamie oliver cooking show.. the one where the jamie person talks more than he cooks. it's actually quite amazing, 'cos he's the only cook i've ever seen on TV who can talk non-stop at the camera and chop perfectly identical pineapple cubes at the same time.

but other than that his show is crap. you see more of his face than his cooking, and one third of his show consists of people coming to his house and demonstrating how to eat his food. it's terribly annoying, especially cos i was starving in the bus.

anyway. guess what. played bball today with the sec 3s & seniors, and i sprained my finger. again. wth.

thing is, i had piano lesson today, and the teacher kept telling me to repeat playing the piece over and over dunno how many bloody thousand times, and now my finger is officially nice and swollen and purple. grrh.

it will take, like, one week to recover.. it's not really that painful, but it's damn annoying cos its somewhat hard to move the finger, like it's partly numb..

and it's also oddly disproportionate, cos its huge and swollen and just weird looking.

but swollen finger aside, first day of school wasn't so bad. simren now thinks that i'm this lame joker person who she can beat up any time of the day.. its dangerous when she laughs, her hands just fly off and they like to smack my back. a lot.

i hope i'll change seats soon.

like, she beats me when i refuse to tell her lame jokes which will make her laugh which will make her beat me for some weird reason, and she beats me when i tell her lame jokes which make her laugh which makes her beat me.

it's a very complicated cycle.

anyhoo my supply of lame jokes is running out, so yay, heh.

using my dad's new laptop, which isn't really nice to use.. webpages look all screwed up in this com, and anyway i should go do the arc march calendar.. bit late, but better than never. think i'll do april as well.

oh yeah. got to storm my brain for ipw storyboard ideas + ideas for malay camp shirt design. haiz.

i should be getting paid for doing all this sort of work, i mean, mr tan is selling the frs photos, wah cow! i should get paid to do this, like some mercenary or something. |:|

crystal heart
Heart of Crystal

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla

lookit me glitter!! :D

2004-03-22, 9:17 p.m..
before } after

we1rd0. getting old. deviantart, livejournal, the wunders, LOOK, A BIRD!, wise words. contact

ghetto. dumping ground for angst/etc since 2002.
newest & old stuff. diaryland.

elsewhere. links here.

heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.