This is an entry mainly to inform you how EVIL Brasso is. If you didn't know, Brasso is a brand of liquid metal polish. If you knew that, what you probably didn't know is how BLOODY EVIL it is.

Yes..I just finished polishing carmen's and see kei's acrylics. It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be... cos the acrylics didn't turn out that shiny after all. Why? Because Brasso is EVIL. I rubbed on the plastic till I nearly died from the toxic fumes and yet the plastic STILL LOOKED THE SAME TO ME. Felt the same too. I don't think I made it any smoother/shinier, actually, even though I really tried. And whose fault is it? -->Brasso.

I continued polishing and polishing.. until my originally blue cloth turned into a pretty shade of khaki. Yes, khaki. The colour of most of my dad's trousers. (He ALWAYS buys trousers in that colour. Don't ask.) It washed off, but only after I applied about ten gallons of soap and scrubbed till my skin peeled off. (OK, so I exaggerated that part a little bit.) It's sort of blue now, but patchy, because I'm not a very good washer.

And it STINKS! God, do you know how much that thing stinks??? I'll tell you! It stinks like HELL! Worse, it stinks like HELL FARTING AFTER A BAD CASE OF DIARRHOEA!!! OK..so that's a bad example. But still..! I think my hands still stink now...my poor hands.. *sniff*

It even left stains on the sink after I washed my cloth.. so I had to clean the sink with another ten gallons of soap. I think my skin is really on the verge of peeling off now, after all that brasso and soap on it.

So, folks, I'm telling you now : NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER purchase/use Brasso. You will regret it. Stick to good ol' Autosol ... It's easier to use, and not as stinky.

I sound like a TV commercial gone wrong. Oh well.

You are Neo
You are Neo, from "The Matrix." You
display a perfect fusion of heroism and

What Matrix Persona Are You?
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Ph33r me and my awesome kungfu powers. 8)

You are DORY!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

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Yay... I'm a flat blue fish with short-term memory loss! :D

CHIJ You scream for your school at any opportunity and
for some strange reason you love your school to
no end. You wear your belt so low that ACS
boys' pants would be considered high (yeah.
oh.. my..god)

Wad girl's school should you be from?
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Rock on, IJ. 8D Although it's not true about the belt part.. I'm super guai, ok? 0:)

2003-09-28, 6:27 p.m..
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heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.