} its time to turn sounds into music

today was a bad day. or at least guit practice was. it all started with one little thing which then snowballed out of proportion, to the point where i was almost unable to control myself. and i ended up venting some of the frustration on my section pple, which was horrible and i knew it but i couldnt control it. gah. =/

i guess im just impatient, impatient at my own still-horrendous playing, impatient at the people who are still absencing themselves despite the tight schedule, impatient at the same old mistakes still being made over and over again. and at the time i just felt like i was past the point of smiling and going 'oh ok', the frustration was so high up my throat that it was all i could do to stop myself from shouting, wake up!

although most of it was probably directed at myself too. =|

im probably just overreacting right now so in a few mins' time this post will sound overly drama. so let me vent while it all still seems perfectly reasonable to me. haha. i mean, seriously. guitar 2's attendance was probably, what, half of g1/g3 (not combined!). when i correct something i'd have to repeat the same thing again to the other half who didnt turn up. and what are their excuses, anyway? not feeling well? even though i know i have no right to question that, ever since learning about the placebo effect im more inclined to be slightly distrustful.

oh well. i may not be able to do anything about other people, but i should at least set a better example first. -_- BY TOMORROW I WILL GET THOSE STUPID CHORDS AND NOTES PERFECT. even if it takes all night! sheesh. i will not be beaten by a music score written by some ancient guy who i never even heard of before until we picked the song for syf.

2007-04-03, 7:40 p.m..
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your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.