} p.o.-ed

im very pissed & disgusted with my brother.

it started yesterday.

he left his homework in school. and instantly started panicking saying things like 'i have to do the homework or im dead!' and then pestered my mother to call up the school, insisting that they go back to his school immediately to look for the homework. but what annoyed me the most was the way he 'scolded' my mother when she told him she already washed his uniform, he actually shouted, 'what is more important? you washing the uniform, or my homework?'

there are 2 points to note:
1. its RIDICULOUS, can a piece of p6 homework be that important? (if i were him i would have left it in school, explained to the teacher since it was an honest mistake anyway, and asked for an extension, but no....)
2. what makes him think he can order people around anyway?

anyway at this point i told him to review, whose fault is it in the first place?

and instead of shutting up, or looking guilty, or whatever, he turned around and shouted at me, 'dont butt in!'

ok i do acknowledge, maybe it wasnt my business. but it wasnt just his one remark that pissed me off, its his whole attitude like he owns the world.

just this afternoon, suhui and novita came over to do some homework, and we were working at the coffee table where he had been doing his school project previously. and then suddenly, out of nowhere, he came to the table, and turned over practically every single thing, even my friends' belongings, apparently looking for something. without a single 'sorry' or 'excuse me', he just handled people's things like that. naturally i asked him what he was doing, but he didnt answer and simply continued. i swear, if my friends werent there, i would have slapped him right then and there.

and then, just a few minutes ago, i saw him checking his class online server quizzes, looking at his past scores (from as far as p4) and clapping to himself whenever he saw that his grade percentage was above the average. i think that disgusted me most of all.

dont be mistaken, its not just one or two incidents, its an accumulation of many little things that i've ignored for maybe years.

what can i do? its been so long since the last time i had to scold him. i feel like such an old grandmother. whatever i spit out will be useless anyway. both my parents pamper him, the bloody education system glorifies him, because he's a GEP student. for every single time i step on his ego, everyone else balloons it ten times as much. he is the winner while im the loser still stupidly holding on to basic human values like respect and consideration.

this is one main reason why i hate any form of streaming so much. because right here under the same roof is a living specimen of the arrogant, result-oriented bastards the system is so capable of producing.

anyway, sorry i made it sound like im the ultimate moral person who can freely tell people whats wrong and whats right, but im really really very pissed off right now.

2007-01-20, 10:42 p.m..
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