} getting through the pain and the dull and the dreary

it is hard to see anything beyond the four walls of the room and the four sides of the computer screen on a normal weekday. on the weekend, there is only a precious one, one-and-a-half day to recuperate (read: catch up on sleep), get other things done, see people i like, and find some inspiration again. it would be nice if happiness could be found on a daily basis, but it is proving difficult so far.

not that i hate my work (not all the time, at least) but it is tiring and i don't always feel that other people are making it any better. maybe that is a terrible sign.

although we are all working adults and i shouldn't be feeling pampered, i do sometimes feel like i could do with a bit more guidance. or just a bit more help, in general. maybe i just enjoy complaining.

back to... Inspiration. i am finding tv shows about food the most therapeutic to watch, probably because it is so unrelated to work. Top Chef, Masterchef (sadly the UK version, which is the most therapeutic, doesn't seem to be showing as often as before..), even Hell's Kitchen (which arguably is not really very therapeutic). and then various miscellaneous food shows.

one rather cool one is called The Mind of a Chef and features David Chang of Momofuku. There is something rather cool about a rather big man creating very delicate dishes, and he seems to have a genuine love for ingredients and natural produce - that is always cool to see. Appreciation of beautiful, delicious things all around us (without being a hippie about it)... that is something i can easily relate to.

that's him chef-ing it up with his Nordic friend.

i don't know if i have half as much love for what i do at work. i need to have more fun. while perhaps remembering that 75-90% of it is not supposed to be fun. it is drudgery, but drudgery that i should willingly go through.

2013-12-08, 11:22 a.m..
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your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.