} stop in time

And so, after some weeks of craziness (out of my own doing I think, more than what was thrown at me) I slowly came to a plateau, an open space. Suddenly there is nothing and I am slightly unsettled by it. It reawakened old insecurities, thoughts that were never gone but were merely sleeping.

But now then, more than ever, is a time for discipline. the insecurities are feelings that need to be slowly conquered, not temporarily extinguished only to be reignited another day. i need to somehow prove to myself that i can be Good at this.

i need to somehow be organised, and efficient, and diligent ... all of that require discipline that i don't even know if i have. but i'm being given time and opportunity to get my act together here, and i really cannot, must not waste this chance.

2013-05-27, 12:27 a.m..
before } after

we1rd0. getting old. deviantart, livejournal, the wunders, LOOK, A BIRD!, wise words. contact

ghetto. dumping ground for angst/etc since 2002.
newest & old stuff. diaryland.

elsewhere. links here.

heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.