} diary, palahniuk

finished reading Chuck Palahniuk's Diary today. it's quite creepy :( don't really know how i feel about his work because it is undeniably very engaging but i somewhat emphathise with the critics who say that he just takes great pleasure in describing the most gory scenes in full detail. haha. i enjoyed the plot though. it seems like the kind of idea where you are just looking at something and your mind goes "what if..." and then a whole story is formed, which is kinda cool.

so i spent half the afternoon reading instead of going out to get a birthday present for my dad. :| rar rar rar. but its ok, i got him 3 jars of peanuts instead. not JUST any jar of peanuts, but peanuts from one of the best chinese restaurants i have ever eaten at. :) (mayim, at west mall)

deadlines and exams coming ever closer, but i am strangely calm. life is going at a good pace right now. i am not going crazy doing work all the time, but i can also, like today, focus for a reasonable few hours. hmm. or maybe im just fooling myself and its really the calm before the storm. meh

how am i going to wake up for easter sunday mass tomorrow =/
(but YAY i can eat instant noodles again)

2010-04-04, 1:56 a.m..
before } after

we1rd0. getting old. deviantart, livejournal, the wunders, LOOK, A BIRD!, wise words. contact

ghetto. dumping ground for angst/etc since 2002.
newest & old stuff. diaryland.

elsewhere. links here.

heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.