} variety of rants

while coming home today i saw the black cat that i sometimes see late at night. i tried to get its attention but it seemed to be busy scarpering away from something. it kinda looked around before running off, out of the estate. so i guessed that it doesnt stay here, it just visits sometimes. i noticed its tail was bent in an L-shape. wondered which diabolical car driver did that to the poor kitty.

and then i turned around, and i saw a black cat. and the first thing that literally went through my mind was, "ZOMG. I HAVE ENTERED THE MATRIX". (if the reference is lost on you, be sure to catch the movie. on channel 5 tomorrow) but then i noticed that this cat's tail was not bent. so i guessed that the two cats must have had a fight, and our resident black cat chased the other cat away. how horrible. they could be brothers.

thats not actually what i wanted to talk about, but i had to document that near-matrix experience. i wanted to talk about the Octoman.

this guy was born with an undeveloped twin. that's an extra leg and two extra arms, although one of his own legs is also undeveloped. i watched a documentary about him with my dad. it featured doctors who were talking about the risks to his health because of this undeveloped twin hanging off him, and whether (he) could possibly be removed. its quite horrible.

or is it? at the end of the documentary, Rudy Santos (thats his name) decided not to have the operation after all. he somehow believed in the soul of his undeveloped twin. he said that God had given this to him, and he would carry it to his death. i was quite disturbed at first. but there is something in that ability to accept, really. in school, on tv, by obama (no offence at all, i love mr. barack) we're always being told to make a change. but there IS something in holding on to what you already have, accepting a flaw (not because you're lazy to change them but) because you know you can never quite amputate away that part of you.

on a lighter note, after that documentary my dad popped in I Love You, Man into the dvd and it is HEEEELARIOUS. and that is how i spent my saturday night. :X

on a random note i have a chronic problem with rebellitis. i just dont like making my mum happy. she just has a way of irritating me to the ENDS OF THE EARTH. i duno how to explain it, but i dont like to do something if someone expects that im doing it for them. its like, if i wanted to clean up my stuff, and then a second later my mum comes along and TELLS me to clean up my stuff, then i lose all the mood i had to clean up my stuff, because now she will think that im doing it for her. im not. it is INFURIATING because deep inside i still REALLY want to clean up my stuff. it kills me. it really does. gh. GH. GHHHHH

i know. im back to being fifteen again. that was my mum at her worst, actually. then she started working again and things actually got better. now..... i blame it on her colleagues because i think they're a bad influence on her. now she's always watching channel 8 (which somehow manages to make mandarin the MOST irritating language on earth) and being attention-seeking and clingy, and you know what? i miss my mum the Careerwoman. meh.

2010-02-28, 10:12 p.m..
before } after

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ghetto. dumping ground for angst/etc since 2002.
newest & old stuff. diaryland.

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heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.