} fauna

i think it was last year that i first met the black cat that has been loitering around my condo (that makes me sound like i own the whole condo, but i dont. you know what i mean). it was a teeny tiny kitten and it was meowing (veeery teeny tiny and squeaky) because it was trapped in the aircon vents area. the last time i saw it was maybe last month... i met him (quite sure its a he) a few times as i was coming home late from work/other and i always felt annoyed that i didnt have any food with me. T_T he was a little cat then. today i saw him as i was coming home from work and he was a big adult cat! do cats grow that fast?? (ans: i guess so)

its strange that it keeps hanging around the condo though. its so suspicious of people. i have neever been able to come within 2 metres of it. have decided to equip myself with cat food whenever im going home late.

in other animal news, my house was trespassed by a giant spider yesterday. it was the size of the palm of my hand. wtf, God? why the heck did You make spiders that big?? :/ after somewhat succeeding in trapping it in the kitchen last night (after taking a few photos, will upload eventually) i have no idea where it ventured off to, cos inevitably the other people in my house who never witnessed the sheer terror of the massiveness of that spider ignored my post-it and opened the kitchen door this morning.

this incident was following the giant mosquito incident last month. basically a giant mosquito kept flying around me and following me around even when i moved and i was TRYING TO STUDY for exams.. and so i shared my terror with my maid and although i never asked she went off with a roll of newspapers and found the mosquito and smacked it. she was also appalled by the size of the mosquito. it was that big. no kidding. =|

i personally think there have been some mutations in the insect world. dear God, for the good of mankind, i pray that insects should remain a reasonable, non-intimidating squishable size.

in more animal news, im planning to take/coerce my brother to the zoo during the hols. YESS! it would cost 2 shifts' worth at max brenners darnit but hopefully it will be worth it..

this isnt animal news, but i went to the christian lacroix exhibit today! ar ar ar. finally!! it had some really gorgeous stuff. and the tour guide was such a cute old lady, like the savvy grandma everyone wishes they have (the same way tim gunn is the stylish grandpa that everyone wishes they had). (if tim gunn wasnt gay, they should be married.) (i was quite surprised to find out that christian lacroix is not gay. but its a breath of fresh air from the stereotype/somewhat-truth that every artist must be depressed, or screwed up in some way, or homosexual, or all of the above.)

2009-05-16, 1:02 a.m..
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heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.