} oh man.

1 paper down! ahh i will miss legal theory though. i will miss using big terms and talking about them as if i really understand haha. one thing about reading the theories by smart people: it makes you feel smart too. no wonder people are so into politics and philosophy.

rewarded myself with a dvd :D and then watching the episode of harpers island that i missed last sunday, and then idol!!!!! ahhh i miss my 90s boy anoop dawg, but ah well... kris allen is such a charmer :) my mum declared that she has a crush on him. oh man. and dannneh i think im starting to like him, since last week! adam is stealing the spotlight every week now but those 2 are my DARK HORSES for the win mannn

i am quite bummed though theres no more boston legal on wednesdays! :( poop. BUT instead there is tim gunn's guide to style. and i love tim gunn. AND i love makeover shows. so...its very conflicting feelings. :S

ok the last 2 paragraphs have been about TV hahaha sometimes i wonder what i'll do without TV.

i dont really know how to say this because i think it makes me sound emo or what... but i do feel like my circle of friends is shrinking. maybe i've forgotten how to make friends. or i've forgotten how to be a friend? because i seem to be losing old ones AND failing to make new ones. how pathetic can i get?? :/ aiyyyyyy

ok that was such a downer on this whole post that i dont know how to continue ..

i cant stop taking facebook quizzes.

...ok i can. because project runway is on.

2009-04-29, 10:23 p.m..
before } after

we1rd0. getting old. deviantart, livejournal, the wunders, LOOK, A BIRD!, wise words. contact

ghetto. dumping ground for angst/etc since 2002.
newest & old stuff. diaryland.

elsewhere. links here.

heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.