} we interrupt this program


i have to say though, rafa is a real fighter and i admire him for that, and his shyness around the press & humility makes it hard to dislike him... aiya i love both of them now. haha. thgh i still prefer fed's playing style...

anyway the best moment of the night goes to fed hands down, he was challenging the umpire's decision (for the 72346181237th time) and the umpire was quite reluctant but eventually did anyway, and it turned out fed was right. and the camera panned on him saying something to the umpire and the commentator said, "that's some colourful French there." HAHAHA.

but the whole match drove my nerves to jitters and im finding it very hard to finish my legal theory essay. =( but at least it inspired my opening paragraph haha:

"The battle between the positivists and the natural law theorists, from the article presented by Professor H. L.A. Hart, seems to be an unending one. Each side contends strong arguments which are difficult to refute, and it is probably close to impossible to decide which view is the �correct� one. Perhaps the truth (however unpalatable) is that both views offer some accurate aspects; otherwise we may be akin to watching two tennis players who are unable to break out of a deuce."

should have recorded the match and captured that DEUCE #8. mannnn.

2009-02-01, 9:36 p.m..
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"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.