} hm

im feeling very guilty now. i just killed an ant and now another ant is running around the corpse of possibly his/her brother/sister/son/daughter/mother/father/cousin/aunt/uncle/relative.

and there's pizza stuck in my throat. helpp. this must be retribution.

yesterday i got an email from oxford about the interview. after that i read the faqs that su sent me, and it turns out they give interviews to all their applicants... i guess its good that i only know now, or i might not have applied at all.

im shit scared of the interview. i hope my interviewer has a sense of humour at least, cos if she asks something like 'who is your inspiration' i would probably say James Spader. (im not even sure whats his characters name is on boston legal.) although i wouldnt be joking.

anyway. its next thurs and im very nervous... now i feel so stupid for being nervous before the lnat cos this is so much more nervous-ing. the lnat was fun though. i wrote about catholic run hotels banning gay couples, cos it was the most interesting essay title choice that was given.

oh well. need to leave for school soon... the piece of pizza is still stuck in my throat GAAHHH. if i suffocate because of this it would be quite ironic, in a funny tragic way. *touchwood*

2007-10-04, 7:52 a.m..
before } after

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your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.