} white oleander; importance of being idle

i've been praying a lot more than usual lately. i think its because of the exams. haha. i know thats terrible. but i guess its also because i've been doing a lot of studying at home by myself, and i dont really talk to people much at all... for more than 2 weeks? no wonder im dying to have someone to talk to.

but i guess its not always easy to talk to people about exams. people tend to scoff too quickly, reassuring you about your worries too quickly. i guess i do that too. i guess everyone is so worried about themselves, they are convinced that no one can possibly be doing worse than them. and so we say, 'dont worry, you'll be ok.' sometimes all too quickly, i guess, to the point that i am dismissing what the other person is saying.

maybe thats why i've been praying so much. sometimes you just need a listening ear, thats all. without someone to reply and refute or dismiss what you're saying.. to just listen to it, and take it in. of course then you can't always be sure if the person is really listening or not, but with God you know he always is.

well anyway, just a thought that came to my mind just now as i was praying to God to please, please help me FOCUS on studying today! haha. i didnt do much studying yesterday. watched a very good movie, though - White Oleander. the story wasnt extremely compelling but the characters were so powerful and so well-portrayed that i was drawn into it. and away from my pharmaceutical chem notes. *shifty eyes*

and i wanted to watch America's Sweethearts, just cos i want to catch the Rainn Wilson part, but i missed it cos i fell asleep while reading the notes. gahh. i've become a huge fan of The Office... all the characters are hilarious but i love Dwight (Rainn Wilson) and Jim (John Krasinski) especially. haha.

oh and since last night i've been kind of devastated because i LOST MY OASIS CD. if it was a pirated one i wouldnt mind so much but its the real one! damn it. damn it damn it damnit damn it damnit. rahh! i duno what happened to it. but i suspect its probably my fault, not like anyone else borrowed and then lost it, cos i still have the cd case.

and so, an oasis song now as i weep for my lost cd...

I sold my soul for the second time
Cos the man don't pay me
I begged my landlord for some more time
He said son the bills are waiting
My best friend called me the other night
He say Man - you crazy
My girlfriend told me to get a life
She say boy you lazy

But I don't mind
As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine
I'll be fine, if you give me a minute
A man's got a limit
I can't get a life if my heart's not in it

I lost my faith in the summer time
Cos it don't stop raining
The sky all day is as black as night
But I'm not complaining
I begged my doctor for one more line
He say Son - words fail me
It ain't your place to be killing time
I guess I'm just lazy

i realise this is a bad song to be listening to when im supposed to be studying hard...

edit: ok im screwed. i am giving up on my h3 paper.

2007-09-23, 7:27 a.m..
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"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.