} nyergh

heal over - kt tunstall

And I don't wanna hear you tell yourself
That these feelings are in the past
You know it doesn't mean they're off the shelf
Because pain's built to last
Everybody sails alone
But we can travel side by side
Even if you fail
You know that no one really minds

i heard this song today when i played an acoustic cd i bought some time ago. this song, like Suddenly I See, like Silent Sea (both also by KT), is one of those songs that i feel like i've heard time and time again, but i never knew what it was called or who sang it (until now). and when i find out about a musician like kt tunstall, i feel like i discovered a person. i think there arent many musicians out there that come across as real whole people, rather than just a 2D, cardboard-cutout marketed image of themselves.

anyway. i am blogging now, while playing the frying meat game, cos im finding it hard to concentrate on anything, cos im having cramps, cos its that time of the month. its the first time i've gotten real cramps before, usually its just a feeling of discomfort, but this time its really like someone is grabbing my insides and twisting it.

and i duno if this is normal but it makes me feel like shitting all the time. seriously. recently i've been complaining of constipation again but today i shat 3 times. (i dont care if you wanted to know that or not.) thats a good serving of irony there...

gahh. i hope this nasty feeling will go away soon. i wont let it get to me...! rahh.

2007-09-21, 10:03 p.m..
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heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.