} walk on stormy seas

walked home today, because i felt like it and the weather was nice and hot. i know it sounds weird, especially coming from someone who has lived near the equator all her life (does that make me an equatorian? hmm), but i do like hot weather sometimes. not humid but streaking hot. maybe because it makes me feel like im on the beach, which is always nice when its not overly crowded.

aanyway, so i was just walking and the song You Raise Me Up kept singing itself in my head. i'd start thinking of other things and josh groban's voice would keep playing in my head. i think my brain can be most accurately compared to an old tv, because the picture is blurry and sometimes it keeps flipping back to one channel. well anyway, so i had the song in my head the whole way, which isnt all that bad i guess since its a nice song.

and then when i watched ellen just now, there was josh groban performing that same song with the african children's choir! how coincidental is that. maybe i have a hidden talent as a psychic. well anyway like i said, its a really nice song. i didnt feel its significance even when it kept playing on repeat in my head, but i felt it when i saw the african children singing it. cos they looked so happy. and i duno who or what put that song in my head, but i can guess why. it was like something telling me, move along, DOOP. stop the self-pity.

cos no matter how small i am, and how little i have, theres someone out there who is not as lucky. and no matter how small i am, and how little i have, there is always a little bit more to contribute.

i feel quite sickened because there must be a million other posts i've written before about this same thing, and yet i never really seem to remember that everyday will feel so much better if i just remember that the world doesnt revolve around me.

it, in fact, revolves around the sun, along with a billion other planets that have just been discovered.

but thats for someone else to think about.

for now, i just want to put this here. no matter how many times i watch/hear it, it gives me goosebumps.

you raise me up so i can stand on mountains
you raise me up to walk on stormy seas
i am strong when i am on your shoulder
you raise me up to more than i can be

2007-07-06, 6:11 p.m..
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your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.