} of courage and resolve

being a leader doesnt always mean having something more than the rest. sometimes being a leader means being just as lacking and just as unsure as the rest, but having the courage to be more than you think you can be..

speaking of which, i think i need courage. now..! i have been chickening out of every tough situation. but i've had enough of that! :(

we watched Gandhi yesterday. and although it was actually ben kingsley and not really gandhi himself, it was very inspiring anyway. it made me want to go out there and make a real difference in the world. but i dont think i'll be doing that anytime soon, not until i have enough guts to even speak out in class, anyway. T_T

2006-08-15, 10:55 p.m..
before } after

we1rd0. getting old. deviantart, livejournal, the wunders, LOOK, A BIRD!, wise words. contact

ghetto. dumping ground for angst/etc since 2002.
newest & old stuff. diaryland.

elsewhere. links here.

heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.