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woke up at 7+ this morning and went for a slow jog. yeah i know. me. jogging. haha I bet you're laughing now.

ok please stop. thanks. :)

I wished I had photographic memory so I can remember everything I saw in detail.. but I dont. so I'll just try to recall as best as possible. :)

first round
nothing much really happened here. I saw a train. One of those trains that go to JB, I think. It looked like it was about to leave, the engine whirring and everything. but its hardly the kind of train I like, its not even a passenger train. nevertheless I had a fun few seconds imagining that there were zoo animals in the carriages. hum. :3

i saw two snails. one of them was crushed.. someone must have stepped on it. after that i started looking down while jogging to watch out for snails.

second round
turned out the other snail was dead too. upon closer inspection its shell was slightly cracked and flattened, and a part of it must have burst and its fluids must have squished out, cos it was lying on a wet patch.

no other snails on the ground. the others must have learned their lesson.

i saw willie. (or willy, I never knew the spelling.) he's a labrador owned by one of the residents in my block.. i first saw him when i was p5 or p6, and attempted to bite my leg off when i waved at him. this time i knew better, so i just looked at him and smiled.

third round
i saw a woman with a yorkshire terrier. upon seeing me it tried to bite my leg off. (i dunno why dogs like to try to bite my leg off, really.) the woman looked somewhat old and tired, and for some reason, a bit familiar. hmm.

i also saw two people playing badminton. one of them, the girl, looked like suhui's sister. haha.

fourth round
i watched the ground for dog shit.

after a second look i realised that the two people playing badminton were father and daughter. seeing this triggered off some childhood memories.. i seldom got to do anything with my dad when i was small, cos he was always busy working. but i spent a lot of time with my sister. we used to play badminton too, in the house (haha) and we hardly managed to keep a game going for more than two or three hits. still, those times were fun. :)

fifth round
saw a woman, a girl (her daughter?) and a golden retriever. they were going at a really slow pace cos the dog kept veering off to sniff at things and going the wrong way (at one point even trying to enter the wrong house).

father and daughter still playing. they played in silence, like me and my dad if we ever get a chance to do things like this. but both my dad and i are naturally quiet people, so i never found the silence really awkward at all.

sixth round
i watched the ground for more dog shit.

saw the woman with the yorkshire terrier go inside the house with willie (or willy) in it. so thats why she looked so familiar.. cos she's willie's (or willy's) owner. :D i was tempted to say hi and ask if she remembered me, but i only met her two or three times before, more than 4 years ago, so i dont think she'd recognise me anyway.

seventh round
i didnt realise it at first, but i must have been getting tired cos i was subconsciously slowing down my pace. anyway there wasn't anything left to see and the run was getting monotonous. so i stopped at the end of the round.

the train hasn't departed yet.


things i have to do for the week

- 1 GP essay
- econs structured & MCQ questions (hmwk)
- research for econs varied assessment
- forces tutorial
- circular motion tutorial
- chemical bonding II tutorial
- M.I. tutorial
- read up on organic chem
- study for thursday's chem lecture test
- study for friday's chem SPA
- oscillations tutorial
- energetics tutorial
- differentiation tutorial
- malay compo

no progress. :( i feel very guilty.. but oh well. no use regretting. and the week isnt over yet. :)


haven't been listening to songs lately so i'll just put a book recommendation.

never let me go by kazuo ishiguro.

do yourself a favour and read it.


i dunno if you ever come here anymore. but i really hope you're ok. with you it's like watching a person behind closed doors, and im always standing right behind, unsure of what to do or say. cos i do care about you. i wish you hadn't closed the door on all of us.



2006-06-02, 7:52 a.m..
before } after

we1rd0. getting old. deviantart, livejournal, the wunders, LOOK, A BIRD!, wise words. contact

ghetto. dumping ground for angst/etc since 2002.
newest & old stuff. diaryland.

elsewhere. links here.

heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.