} rahrahrah


old thing. takes a few centuries to load.

im shit scared of falling.


my 3 goldfish died within 2-3 days. and its all my fault.

at first only one fish was sick. i knew that i should separate it from the other fishes into another container... to stop the sickness from spreading. but if i left it in a container without the filter thing, it would have died from lack of air. but i knew that if i put it in the tank with the other fishes, even if i put the medicine in the tank water, its still possible that the fish would die anyway.

i dunno. maybe i was stubborn. i didnt separate it from the other fishes. i put it back in the tank, hoping and hoping it would get better.

after about one day of suffering, bleeding and gasping for air, it died. it died anyway. that hurt.

later on, the sickness really did spread. and the other 2 fishes died. that hurt more. im not really sure if i did the right thing, saving that one fish.

i just feel all wrong.

and so, so stupid.

i know. its just fish. never mind.

2005-06-16, 9:57 p.m..
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your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.