} Fishsticks.

The geog paper today was horrible. .__. I only had 5 mins for the last question!! i___i And it was a structured question... I could only scribble one or two sentences for each part, then quickly move on... I hope I won't make the same mistake for the science paper tomorrow, I spent such a bloody long time on the mcq.

I decided to go home to study today... turned out that both gloria and me lost the study hype anyway. :) I just ate something.. being a pig as usual... (When I went home I ate again. :D)

And I found out that andrea (is that her name..? *thinks*) from adroit got novita's jacket by mistake..and novita got someone else's jacket. Dunno who. :S Weird...first it was phoenix taking gloria's shoes and gloria taking phoenix's shoes... now novita and andrea. one of these days one of us are gonna take someone else's socks/bag/books/blah by mistake.. oh no!

-a few minutes later-

I was just reading su hui's blog... she was saying sorry to the people she's hurt in her entry. I feel kind of guilty now. .___. It's something I never tell anyone, but.. everyday, when I go on the bus home, I always feel bad. For some reason. Everyday, I screw up somehow, and I keep thinking about it during those long bus rides. I suppose I forget them after a while, but.. I keep getting reminded how it feels to feel guilty. Because I feel the same way at the end of each day. Nyah.

Maybe I can start making up for those mistakes. ^_^ I'll definitely include 'be a better & nicer person to everyone' in my new year's resolutions for next year. :) And 'take down notes during class instead of doodle'. And 'don't grumble when a teacher says your marker is smelly'. I'll never forget that day, when audrey chye insulted my marker... ;_____; But, oh wells. Teachers. All the same.

It's only october. why can't december come faster so I can make up a whole long list for christmas presents/new year's resolutions. those things are so fun. (although i usually never get the stuff I want for christmas.) (I never get anything for christmas!!)

Anyhoos, back to the subject : I will be a better person next year. :)

Gotta go learn carbon and nitrogen cycles now. And the ions table thinger and equation writing and lenses. Lenses! I haven't started on that at all... fishsticks.

Countdown to post-exams : about 6 days. More or less. Whoopee!

2003-10-15, 7:46 p.m..
before } after

we1rd0. getting old. deviantart, livejournal, the wunders, LOOK, A BIRD!, wise words. contact

ghetto. dumping ground for angst/etc since 2002.
newest & old stuff. diaryland.

elsewhere. links here.

heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.