} tiring/fun day :)

Classes were actually quite all right today. CME was OK.. slack as usual... EP rocked too. Malay was boring as usual, English too... I still have a sort of grudge against chye cos yesterday she ACCUSED MY MARKER OF BEING SMELLY when in fact it was because someone had been lacquering in the classroom. My poor marker felt so insulted... :(

Then... had ARC. Stayed back till 9 just like yesterday. We finished the plane, although it didn't look like a plane, we finished painting most of the 'rock', and we did quite a lot of badges. Woohoo! Time is running short... but still, we did quite a lot today. I think I may have to start staying up late again to help with the booklet... yayyyy!!!

We were doing most of the stuff in 1/5 classroom, since there was no space in the arc room, since the whole corridor outside had to be C.L.E.A.N since there was a function in the ava room since there was this mid-autumn festival and there were guests coming..

Then later on when we were almost done with the plane some juniors came in screaming. Haha... they said they had been trying to scare themselves in st. rafaels.. stupid!!! Then they wanted to hear ghost stories, but none of us really knew any good ones, so... I only told them this one lame one, which is actually quite funny and not scary...

I just remembered I'm supposed to finish 2 chapters in the science workbook... SHIT. I completely forgot about it. AHHHHHHHHHHHH.

It was quite funny during sci class today actually... she just said 'good morning girls' in this funny accent, even though it's already the second last period.. so we all just went 'good afternoon mrs tan' and she was all laughing.. never seen her so cheerful. Must be cos it's the last day of term 3, so she's happy that she WON'T BE SEEING US FOR A WEEK.

Then at the end of the lesson.. she was sort of grumbling about the garden plot, about what the 'sec 1s did to it'... hahha. *cough*sec 1s suck*cough cough* =D ARC juniors are really quite nice though. :)

From morning till afternoon I was feeling quite pissed...for some weird reason... Just need to let something out cos I haven't been pissed for so long. Haiz. Gloria said I was PMSing. WHATEVER. I don't pms. I have much better things to do than that.

I'm gonna see POTC tomorrow!!! After Maths Camp!!! O yay o yay o yay....!!!! *does the funky chicken*

2003-09-05, 9:40 p.m..
before } after

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your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.