} Why I Dislike Ms Chye.

In the school com. lab. now. Writing this diary entry...obviously.

I've decided that I'm not going to care if anyone is reading this. I've decided that I'm going to let out everything here, and if you have a problem with that, well, screw you, because I don't give a damn. OK? No problem? GOOD.

OK, I know I'm supposed to be continuing my entry right here, but something is distracting me. For Diaryland users, I think you'll know what I mean. There's this banner on top of this page, catching my attention even though I'm trying so hard to avoid looking at it.

It says: 'I tried to reach for him. Immediately, he grabbed my arms and held them over my head. This sudden act of force excited me even more.'

It may not sound like much, but to people with a slightly dirtier mind, well... (dot. dot. dot.)

*scrolls down the page*

(Why didn't I think of that before?)

OK. Now there's no more distractions. Well, aside from the noisy printer at the row behind mine anyway. Let's see. What should I talk about for the rest of this diary entry?

Oh, I know, I know! I'll talk about school. To be precise, my class. To be even more precise: My form teacher. To be even more and more precise: Ms Audrey Chye.

Um, if you happen to be Ms Audrey Chye, please leave now, because from this paragraph onwards I'm going to say some very offensive things about you. Just go to the address window, highlight it, then hit 'Delete'. Now, type in something like 'yahoo.com'. Then you'll be brought to the happy home of Yahoo!. OK? Good. Or, if you want, just close this browser window.

Ms Chye is the pettiest, fussiest, most annoying teacher anyone can ever have.

Ms Chye, are you still here? No? Cos if you ARE still here...don't say I didn't warn you.

Anyway. Ms Chye comes to class everyday to give us pep talks. Anything wrong with that? Yes. The words 'pep talks' just don't go with 'everyday'. 'Pep talks' 'everyday'. See what I mean? Sickening. *shudder*

Ms Chye canNOT teach. (So why is she a TEACHer again?) She goes on and on, lulling the whole class to sleep during Literature lesson. Ms Nicole Teo is a better teacher. Why? Because she is more interesting, and pigs will fly before I fall asleep during HER lesson. Sheesh.

Ms Chye, ARE YOU SURE you're not still here? (Just checking.) Man, I'd better install some sort of anti-teacher block or something.

Ms Chye is a very REPETITIVE teacher. If I get a dollar for everytime she reminds us about 'co-operating with one another' or 'building up the class spirit', I'd be richer than Bill Gates by now. AND HOW MANY TIMES HAS SHE REPEATED HER PEP TALKS OVER AND OVER AGAIN??? (Answer: 897398173 times.)

That's it, I guess. If I go on, I'd be as boring as Ms Chye herself, and although I DO rant, I'm not THAT bad. Pfffttt. I guess that wasn't really talking about her...more like listing down the Reasons Why I Dislike Miss Chye.

Actually, that's not such a bad idea. Maybe everyone in class can contribute and pin up the list on the class noticeboard. (Then again, maybe not. If she sees the list, she'll just give us another pep talk.)

OK, I've been ranting too much. I should shut up now.

2003-03-04, 2:14 p.m..
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your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.