} 3/4 decent pic of legolas! I CAN'T BELIEVE MYSELF!!

Woohoo...it's morning...AGAIN. Not as nice as yesterday though. It's far too late. The weather's boiling. Pfffttt. Notice how I'm starting to like writing in the morning? Actually, it's not because I love mornings or anything, it's just because at this time, my mum usually has to go somewhere, my sister is either in school or hasn't even woken up yet and my brother is off watching some kiddies' show on TV. So no one is disturbing me, you know? And besides, it's the only time when I don't feel annoyed at all, so I don't keep on writing about strangling my brother or giving my mum her worst nightmare or something along those lines.

In the morning, I'm super-happy, extremely hyper but at the same time, very very sleepy.

I have reasons to be happy. Well, actually, just one reason. I tried drawing Legolas again yesterday night, in a different pose, and it came out three-quarters decent.


At first, when I was drawing the head and the face and the arms, I was stuck. Like a writer with the writer's block, you know? I just didn't know how to continue anymore. I mean, I have a clear picture in my mind of what I want to draw, how the arms should be like and everything, but somehow I just couldn't draw what I imagined.

It came out rather different from what I imagined, but it's still pretty good. I mean, when I was stuck, I just thought I should just stop and forget it, you know? Like, there was no way the drawing could turn out even half-decent.

But I PERSEVERED and the drawing came out A LOT BETTER than I thought it would.

Not exactly like the real Legolas, but close...I think. Who cares. I can't possibly draw a portrait of him.

I just noticed that in the second last paragraph, I used the word 'I' and 'persevered' in the same sentence.

WHOA. I'm actually learning PERSEVERANCE. Which means something from my principal's talks HAS gotten into my head. Or maybe it wasn't perseverance. Maybe I was just so frustrated cos I was stuck that I just continued drawing and didn't care whether Legolas would turn out looking like a pig, cos at least it will be a pig with POINTY EARS. Which makes it an Elven Pig. Bleh. It sounds like a brand of canned meat.

By the way, did I ever tell you that I like pointy ears? They're just so cool! I mean, I wish I could have pointy ears too. It must be pretty cool being an elf. You get to have pointy ears, and you can live forever, and you just grow more and more beautiful as you get older. OK, so I guess I don't really care about the growing beautiful part. But if we were all elves, I wouldn't have to hear my mum complain everyday about wrinkles and being fat.

So being an elf would save a lot of trouble. And besides, you get fancy names, not stupid names like Bobby or Bonnie or something like that.

Oh, and speaking of elvish names, did you know that LEGOLAS is elvish for GREENLEAF?? So his full name is actually Greenleaf Greenleaf! Weird or what, huh? They might as well just name him Double Greenleaf or Greenleaf Duo or just plain Greenleaves. But I guess Legolas is a lot fancier, and why would anyone want a prince called Double Greenleaf anyway? The people of Mirkwood wouldn't respect him - they wouldn't think he was even royalty. After this I'm going to check if ORLANDO is latin or elvish or french or whatever for BLOOM. Then it would save a lot of trouble, cos I don't have to keep saying ORLANDO BLOOM, I just have to say BLOOMS. Although I doubt ORLANDO is related to BLOOM in any way...so...

Slap me and tell me to shut up, please. Thank you.

ANYWAY. Back to the drawing. Since I don't think I can ever draw a DECENT picture, and besides a THREE-QUARTERS DECENT picture is close enough, I'm not gonna draw Legolas anymore. I'm starting to get sick of him anyway. Unfortunately, he's the only one who uses the bow and arrow to fight, and I'm really fascinated with archery, so I wanna draw more poses of people holding a bow and arrow. But since the only one I can draw is him, forget it. He's so hard to draw, his outfit is so complicated, and it's hard to draw a guy with long flowing hair without making him look sissy.

I think I'll draw Boromir or Aragorn next. Depends on my mood. Maybe I can draw Aragorn slicing an Orc's head...hmm...interesting...

Anyways, I'm so happy. I can actually draw a three-quarters decent picture of Legolas with a bow and arrow. Yay for me!! The biggest challenge ahead of me now is to draw an Orc without making it look like a black pig with hair. Although, now that I think of it, an Orc looks a LOT like a black pig with hair. But THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

Hold on, I don't think that will be my greatest challenge after all. The greatest challenge ahead of me is to FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE THE SCANNER. My dad taught me and my sister once, but I'm still muddled till now, so I'm gonna ask him again. WHY DO I NEED TO USE THE SCANNER?? Because I'm gonna photocopy that picture of Legolas that I drew last night, shade one copy in pencil and scan the other one and colour it in Photoshop. Yay again for me!!

(Actually...I already know how to scan a picture. The only thing I can't figure out is HOW TO SWITCH ON THE SCANNER. I mean, there's no switch at all!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO SWITCH IT ON IF THERE'S NO SWITCH??? I'd better ask my dad tonight.)

YAYAYAYAY!!! I can't help gloating over it all over again, sorry. I'm just so proud of myself.

*beams at self*

By the way, I'm concerned that you might be mixed up. So I'm clearing matters now. No, I'm NOT crazy about Legolas. I'm not like one of those bimbos that watch the LOTR movie just to catch a glimpse of their so-called lover. I don't scream during the movie whenever Legolas comes on, I only shout encouragements when the Fellowship are fighting the Orcs, although I promise I'll refrain from doing that in the cinema, or I'll get kicked out and then I'll have to sneak back in through the back door. (Once I find out where the back door is.) So is everything clear now? I'm obsessed with LORD OF THE RINGS. I'm NOT obsessed with LEGOLAS. Is that understood? GOOD.

2002-11-12, 8:08 a.m..
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your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.