} depression - a fad or what?

I've just noticed that a lot of diaries on this site focus on depression. Like, all the sadness and pressure and depression on the writer of a particular diary. I think it's rather strange. I mean, sure, life can be stressful and depressing at times, but how can anyone feel depressed ALL the time??

Think about it. I, for one, simply can't be depressed when reading, or surfing the internet, or drawing. Surely everybody has something that can take away their depression, at least for a while? Something other than putting away their depression on their diary entries, like they really want a whole lot of strangers to know that they're depressed?

It's stupid. I wouldn't even want my mother to know if I were feeling depressed. I'd rather keep it to myself and try to overcome it.

Really. There ARE other emotions than depression, and there ARE things in life that can make you feel other than depressed. Like, for example, when I'm in the toilet, I can't possibly feel depressed just because the shit won't come out or something. It's more like frustration. Or when I'm reading some funny book or fanfics on the internet, I can't possibly cry or go, like, "Oh, man, this thing is making me laugh again, I think I'm gonna cry...HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO ME???" all dramatic-like.

You must think I'm a hypocrite by now, cos for the last few entries, I've been complaining about the bad things in life, like my family. But that's not depression...I'm just really fucked up with them, that's all. I don't go around feeling hopeless just because my family isn't what I want them to be like.

And the even worse thing is, most of the writers of those depressing diaries are teens. Not kids or parents or whatever.

Are all teens really that badly depressed? I guess life is really stressful for us teens, but still, it's no reason to feel all depressed...

The even worse thing is, they can't seem to take their minds off their depression, other than by thinking about suicide or slashing their arms or drugs or alcohol or blah blah blah...you know, all those melodramatic teen stuff. I mean, practically all teenagers do that stuff, can't they think of anything else more CREATIVE?? It sounds dramatic, yes, but it gets boring just seeing scars on teenager's arms or finding mysterious teenage corpses at the bottom of a high-rise building. Can't they think of any other ways to release their stress?

Like, for me, for example, I think about LOTR (my ABSOLUTE OBSESSION) or I think about doing about my website, but in the end I never got around to do it anyway, but that's not the point. Just to take my mind off something for a while. Either that, or I watch MTV and sing along to Eminem or Linkin Park or Papa Roach or Pink or just some other singer (while my mum is not at home of course, she'll send me to a psychiatrist if she hears me singing weird songs out loud).

So...my point is...there's just no reason for anyone to feel depressed at all. Nothing in life could be so depressing...even if it does feel depressing, there's always the bright side of life. Like for example, if your parents are going to divorce, now you have a reason to sing Pink's 'Family Portrait' in the middle of the night, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. (And besides, you HATE your father's belching anyway, so it's good that now you don't have to listen to it every dinner.)

Still think you've got reasons to feel depressed? E-mail me, and I'll give you more crazy ideas to take your mind off it.

2002-11-09, 8:42 a.m..
before } after

we1rd0. getting old. deviantart, livejournal, the wunders, LOOK, A BIRD!, wise words. contact

ghetto. dumping ground for angst/etc since 2002.
newest & old stuff. diaryland.

elsewhere. links here.

heal the world. make poverty history. ONE.

your say.
"The problem with London is the tourists. They cause the congestion. If we could just stop the tourism, we could stop the congestion." Prince Philip at the opening of City Hall, 2002.